
A Perfect Non-Impact Workout From Fitness Rowing Machines

Rowing is a popular exercise that dates back thousands of years. Ancient Romans and Greeks would engage in rowing races on a regular basis. It is an Olympic sport that continues to grow in popularity. Rowing is not reserved for professionals or those who want to actually row on water, however. There are many places where one can find a rowing machine for sale that will allow them to experience the benefits of rowing any time.

 The use of rowing machines has been popular for some time. With that being said, it became much more common in the early 1980s for people to buy rowing machines. It was during this time that a company called Concept 2 released their first affordable rowing machine model for about a quarter of the price being asked by their competitors. Suddenly anyone could have access to one of these cheap rowing machines and their popularity skyrocketed as a result.

 Fitness rowing machines are known for their aerobic exercise benefits. They offer a complete workout to users without the massive strain on muscles and tendons created by many other exercises. Rowing uses leg, back, core, chest and arm muscles all at once in a low or non-impact way. Lung function and heart health are also improved with regular use. It is often the perfect exercise solution for people who have trouble with certain movements because of chronic back problems. Both professional rowers and those who have no interest in ever rowing on the water use these machines on a regular basis. It is truly an all inclusive piece of fitness equipment.

 There are a few things that those looking to buy rowing machines should consider. To start, they need to make sure that the unit is durable. This will allow for many years of quality use. The grips on the rowing handles and foot holds also need to be evaluated. Many rowing machines today come with built in electronic devices that track the time and distance rowed during each workout session. This is an important feature for those who want to track their progress over time. Most fitness equipment stores will have a variety of rowing machines for sale.

 Good posture is vital for those who want to work out regularly on rowing machines. Doing the exercise the wrong way could result in injury. It is usually best to consult a trainer before beginning a serious rowing exercise regimen. Just a small bit of instruction will have people ready to use the machine and see great results with it.

 Few exercises have withstood the test of time and continued to grow in popularity as rowing has. It provides a thorough aerobic workout while still being easy on muscles and joints. The good news is that anyone can experience these benefits with the regular use of a rowing machine. Finding a rowing machine for sale is not difficult and the right one can be found at most fitness equipment stores.


Why It Pays To Workout With A Personal Trainer

Working out with a personal trainer is the quickest way to get fit and loose those extra pounds. Now obviously if any person has the willpower and resolve, then they could probably achieve similar results themselves. Unfortunately few of us have such determination: most of us give up when the going gets tough. As we can be objective or dispassionate, we opt for the path of least resistance and give in, even though we know that the wrong thing to do. When you work with a personal trainer, however, giving in is not an option. A trainer will push you to the limits, but in a safe and professional way. You may see them as slave drivers at the time, but theye just doing their job: they know what you can achieve and how far you should be encouraged to push yourself. They only want what best for you, and that for you to achieve all the goals you set yourself when you started your training programme.

 When is personal training the right choice for you?

 When You Want to Learn How to Exercise on your Own

 Even if your goal is ultimately to create your own workouts and exercise by yourself, hiring a trainer for a few initial sessions can be a great benefit for learning the right way to exercise. This is especially true if you want to learn more about the muscles in your body, the exercises that target those muscles and how to do those exercises with great form. Just a few sessions can teach you a lot about your body, how it works and how to train it in the most effective way.

 When you need accountability and motivation

 Trainers come with built-in motivation: that their job. For your part, not only are you investing money into your exercise programme, you're investing time as well. There's nothing like a standing appointment to get your backside into gear for a workout: it the ultimate motivator. It not only that either: a trainer will provide a sense of accountability too. Even when you don't have a session, you know your trainer will be asking if you did your planned workouts. Just knowing that may make it harder to skip your workouts and follow the path of least resistance.

 When you have a specific illness, injury or condition

 If you have any specific issues like arthritis, heart disease or old injuries, working with an experienced trainer (who works in consultation with your doctor, of course) can help you find a programme to help heal injuries and avoid any further problems. It's also a great idea to work with a personal trainer if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant and want a safe, effective workout to keep you healthy and fit.
 When you're training for a sport or a specific event

 If you're training for a marathon, a golf tournament or some other type of sport or event, an experienced personal trainer can help you figure out what you need to do to stay strong without detracting from any other training. He or she can also help to create a training programme and map out a plan for the coming event.

 When you want supervision and support during workouts

 Some people know how to exercise and they even know how to do the exercises correctly, but they like having a personal trainer around for support, encouragement and supervision. If you're lifting very heavy weights or need someone to help with partner-type exercises, working with a trainer might be the best choice for you. They can pot?you during workouts, and help you come up with a good training plan that will help you reach your goals. 


Upper Chest Workout How to Get Big Chest Muscles

Do you want to have a huge chest muscle but don't know the appropriate upper chest workout to perform? Having massive upper chest can only be achieved by carrying out the proper exercise. So keep on reading to know the different types of upper chest exercises and how to execute them properly.

 Chest exercise is considered as the darling of many bodybuilders since the chest is one of the body parts that we want to develop first. The problem is that it has been improperly done as focus is always on the lower chest muscles. You need to perform the correct upper chest workout to achieve the solid, well-shaped upper body that you desire.

 Here are some of the chest workouts that you can do:

 1. Bench press is a chest workout being performed by many bodybuilders who are aiming for massive chest muscles. Aside from enhancing the mass of your chest muscles, it also strengthens them. One specific bench press exercise that works mainly on your upper chest is Incline Barbell/Dumbbell Bench Press. To ensure you get thick chest muscles, the best way to do this is to bring the bar/dumbbells straight down to your upper chest. Also, it is best to set the inclination of the bench from 30 to 45 degrees angle only because if you fix the bench at a higher angle, you are placing more pressure on your shoulders than your chest.

 2. Incline flies is another chest exercise that works on the entire upper chest muscle group. Weight lifting bench and dumbbells are also being used here but is still being performed in a different way as compared to bench press. With this exercise, you start with your arms on your sides then slowly lift them up until the dumbbells become closer together at the maximum height. Here's a tip: for best results, tighten your upper chest muscles while the dumbbells are together then gradually release them while lowering your arms back down.

 3. Cable crossover is an exercise that requires a bodybuilder to go in to a gym for the equipment that will be used. This exercise works by grasping the cables while arms are slightly bent. Once you are sure of a firm grip and enough balance, pull down the handles until they rest in front of your mid-section. The purpose of this exercise is to get a good pump going in your chest.

 It takes more effort to perform an upper chest workout because the muscles involved here are hard to reach without using any gym equipment. It is then essential for you to make the most of your time once you got an access to the gym apparatus. With proper execution and focus, you will soon achieve the huge, solid and attractive chest muscles that you long for. If you want to know the exercises that target the other muscles in your chest visit my site below.


The Ultimate Bicep Workout

Everybody wants to believe that there is some form of most effective bicep workout that's guaranteed to help them build muscle mass and increase the size of their arms, the truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as the best bicep workout for everybody. Everyones body is different and because of this, muscle growth occurs for everybody by different forms of stimulation. Even though one particular bicep workout may make my arms explode with new muscle mass, that doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to help you increase the size of your arms. That said, there are a few bicep exercises that you should include in your arm routines if you really want to force your biceps to grow.

 Let's face it, a pair of thick sleeve stretching biceps can be very impressive, but forcing your arms to grow can be more difficult than most people realize. While the common 5 sets of 5 reps of cable curls is fine for beginner and intermediate level trainers, you've got to learn how to take your bicep workouts up a notch if you really want to build big biceps.

 Listed below are a few bicep training tips that have helped me to pack on over 4 inches to my biceps over the years. Each of these bicep workout tips is battle tested in the real world and I guarantee that they'll help you build bigger arms. Read through each of these tips and start implementing them one by one - before you know it your arm workouts will be forcing your body to build some serious muscle mass and everyone will be keeping their eyes on your arms!

 1.) My first tip for making your biceps grow may seem like it's completely unrelated to the process of training your arms, but it's vital to your success. If you're serious about forcing your arms to grow, then you need to make sure that you're performing heavy dead-lifts to failure 1 time each week. I'm not completely sure why this works but, I think it has something to do with the amount of growth hormone and testosterone that are released in your body when you perform heavy squats or deadlifts to failure. But rest assured it's very effective for increasing the size of your biceps and triceps. In the past I've experienced an increase in the size of my biceps and triceps by 1.5" - 2" inches by really focusing in on my heavy deadlifting...while not even training by biceps at all!

 2.) Make sure that your arm workouts are put together around the most effective growth stimulating free weights exercises. If you don't build your workouts around the right exercises, you won't be able to stimulate growth in your arms - pretty simple stuff. Stick with the biceps exercises that allow you to train "hard and heavy" through a complete range of motion.

 The Best Bicep Exercises: Barbell Curl, EZ Bar Curl, Alternating Dumbbell Curl, Hammer Curl

 Over 90% of my personal bicep workouts start with either alternating dumbbell curls or barbell curls. These simple bicep exercises allow me to use heavy weights to blast my arms. If you consistently pound your biceps with heavy weights, they'll have no choice but to respond by getting bigger and stronger!

 3.) Perform each set of your bicep workout in the 6 - 8 repetition range. 6 -8 reps is in the accepted "muscle building" rep range, but closer to the lower side. This rep range will allow you to stimulate as much muscle growth as possible by pounding your biceps with heavy weights. Whenever I perform arm workouts in the 6 - 8 rep range, my biceps explode.

 4.) Design your bicep workout so that you perform only 2 - 6 sets of 1 or 2 arm exercises max. This will allow you to keep your workout to as reasonable amount of time while ensuring that your biceps get the work they need to grow. Also make sure to rest for 1.5 - 2.5 minutes between sets so that your arms are totally recovered for the next set.

 5.) Hit the gym to blast through your bicep workout only 1 time each week. If you just feel like you have to train your biceps more often than this you're going to have a really hard time gaining any muscle in your arms. While you can get away with it for awhile, but eventually you're going to hit a wall and actually start losing size and strength in your arms. Instead of taking the volume approach to your bicep workouts, focus on making each workout as intense and gut busting as possible - this is the key to forcing your muscle to grow. Get into the gym, get through your workout then get out of the gym as quickly as possible so that you can focus on feeding your body the nutrients that it needs to gain muscle mass.

 Take these simple bicep workout tips and run with them...Your arms will start to grow quickly. I know that this advice seems too basic to work, but it's extremely effective for building bulging biceps quickly.


The Burpee A 10 Minute Fat Burning Workout

The holidays are here. The parties are starting and all that holiday food is hitting the table. With the new year coming it's also the time for new years resolutions. what is always one of the top resolutions? Weight loss.

 Before I show you how to use the Burpee and get a total body fat burning workout at home in 10 minute workouts with no equipment let me touch on a couple of points first.

 The number one excuse for not starting and sticking with a fat burning workout is a lack of time. Now I think this is just a cop out myself. But having said that I also think people use this excuse for 2 reasons:

 #1 Your just plain lazy
 #2 Getting bad workout advice

 As far as the first excuse being lazy I'm afraid there isn't much I can do to help you. It is totally up to you to find the motivation and desire to lose weight and get healthier. Now stick with me here and maybe this will help you.

 Getting bad workout advice. The internet is great but it is also full of misinformation. The newstand fitness magazines are fun to look at sometimes but the muscle building and fat burning workouts in them are pretty unrealistic. Since we are looking at how to burn fat here lets look at what one of the most common reccomendations for a fat burning workout is.

 Can you guess what it is? The old treadmill. Its not that I am totally against the treadmill, its the way it is used. Spending an hour 4-5-6 times a week is a waste of time and a totally inefficent way to lose fat. But you see it everywhere in local gyms line after line of treadmills and people mindlessly using them.

 Now used properly the treadmill can get you a great fat burning workout. But the way most people use them is as I mentioned very inefficient. So if you insist on using it here is how you should.

 Interval training style, sprint for one minute, walk or jog for two are best for burning fat. You burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of low-intensity work compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of high intensity, and you also burn more total fat in less time during a high-intensity fat burning workout.

 Okay now lets talk about The Burpee. You may know it as the squat thrust we used to do back in school.

 In case you have forgotten this is how you do the Burpee for a beginner.

 1.Stand erect
 2.Squat down putting your hands on the floor.
 3.Kick your feet back so you are in a push up position.
 4.Bring your feet back in so you are in the squat position.
 5.Stand up.

 Sounds easy enough right. Done properly and with intensity it will kick your butt(in a good way). What you want to do is set a timer for 10 minutes. Do as many reps as you can in that 10 minutes. Your next workout try to top the amount of reps you did last time. That is how you burn fat and build lean muscle, progression. 


NESN's Tom Caron on running, steps, and training for a 9k

Just like his colleague, Jenny Dell, Tom Caron is also training for this year's Run to Home Base.

The 2012 Run-Walk to Home Base Presented by New Balance honors veterans and raises money for the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Home Base Program, which provides care for veterans with combat stress or traumatic brain injury and support services and counseling for wounded vets' families.

Since Jenny and Tom have both said they'd like to beat the other during this weekend's race, we thought we'd let you get a sneak peek at their training by giving them each a Fitbit to track their steps.

Here's my Q&A with Tom about how his training is going thus far:

Q. Why did you want to participate in the Run to Home base?

A. First of all, it's a great cause. I've had the honor of meeting some of some of the veterans who have taken advantage of the Home Base Program, and I'm always dumbstruck by their sacrifice. This seemed like an easy way to help out the cause and raise money... and giving myself a goal of ramping up my running was nice, too!

Secondly, Jenny Dell challenged me. So it's on!

Q. What’s the farthest you’ve run?

A. I ran 7 miles once. Once. Felt it for a few days. I've run a pair of 10 K's, but in general I run 3-5 miles a shot when I run. I try to run about 17 miles a week - the total weeklong goal works for me, if I can squeeze in a couple miles here and there it helps towards the total goal.

Q. We gave you devices called Fitbits to track your progress leading up to the run, are you finding it hard to hit 10,000 steps a day?

A. I've only had it two days so far, and the first day I fell short. Today I ran a little over five miles so I'm over 13,000 steps right now. I checked in with Jenny, and she didn't run today, so I'm killing her today. But I'm sure she's going to get her revenge!

Q. Are you getting competitive?

A. Yes! I wasn't sure I'd squeeze in my run today, but I kept thinking about having that thing on my belt all day telling me I didn't do enough. It was a great motivation to get me out and running. I also noticed I ran up the stairs a few extra times to get the "stair" total up. It's like having a coach yelling at me for not working hard enough - there's no justifying a lack of effort when the data is there at the end of the day.

Q. Do you have a goal for race day? A certain time you’d like to hit or other goal?

A. My first goal is to finish and survive. I banged up my knee playing street hockey last week (yes, I'm getting old for that stuff) and I'm running with a brace on. Not sure if I'll keep it on or not. My second goal is to match Jenny's time. She's talking a lot of trash, and is planning on killing me in the race. I'm hoping to hang with her and not let her pull away. In an ideal world, I'd be as close to a nine-minute mile average as possible. If I could break 50 minutes I'd be thrilled. But if I go an hour and a half, and it's no slower than Jenny, I'll be very happy.

Q. What surprises you the most about the data you have available to you on the Fitbit?

A. The stair climbing and the calories burned. It's easy to focus on burning calories during a workout - most treadmills show you that. I had no idea what a difference you could make by climbing a few extra stairs and getting up to move around a few extra times a day. It's really opened my eyes to what a difference you can make by keeping yourself moving and not sitting around for too long.

Q. What physical activity have you done so far today? And, if you worked out, what were 2 of the songs on your playlist?

A. I ran 5.4 miles - trying to see how I dealt with the 9 K distance. I have one of those little iPod Shuffles for running - I clipped it right next to the Fitbit -- and have it on random shuffle. Two songs that got me going today are "Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer" by Jay Z and Linkin Park, and "Enter Sandman" by Metallica.


Let Your Children Play Outdoor Games

Summer is coming and that means it is time for outdoor games. As the weather gets warmer it is time to get your children out of the house so they can get some exercise and have fun. There are thousands of different games that can be played and many of them involve very flexible rules and little or no equipment, but they all have some things in common; they all help the kids expend energy and they all help with family unity.


Chase games involve having one player who is designated as "it" who chases and attempts to tag all the others. The basic game involves all the kids running around avoiding being tagged, sometimes with a designated location, usually a tree, as being home base where they cannot be tagged. When it tags another child that child then becomes it and must lead the chase. There is no end to the game and no designated winner, but all the kids will get exercise and enjoy the game for hours.


Another popular chase game is hide-and-seek. The game starts out with it hiding his eyes on home base and the other kids hide as he counts to ten, or twenty, or one hundred. It then yells out, "Ready or not, here I come," before starting to hunt for the other players. Any player found then has to run to the home base before being tagged by it. After everyone is found either the first player tagged or the last player tagged then becomes it and the game starts over.

Freeze Tag

Yet another Variation include freeze tag where if a player is tagged by it, he must stop where he is until another player tags him and then he can continue to the home base. For this variant, the kids can also designate that anyone away from home can then be tagged. Whoever is the last player tagged becomes it and the game begins again.

Capture the Flag

Finally, for a more organized approach to chase there is capture the flag. In this game the kids are divided into two teams and each team has a flag they have to protect while at the same time trying to get the opposing team's flag across a line in the center. Here the rules vary; either the players can be tagged anytime they are on the wrong side of the line, or only if they have the flag in hand. A tagged player can either be out or forced to freeze until he is tagged free by a teammate, and the flag can then either be returned to its original place or can be left where it was. The game is won when someone crosses the line with their opponents' flag.

Exercise is one of the healthiest things a child can do to avoid obesity and related childhood diseases and instilling exercise in a child when he is young is the best way to make this a lifelong habit. When your children are out of school and daylight lasts deep into the evening, it is even more important for your children to be outside and outdoor games are some of the best ways to get them off the couch and away from the television.


Weight down, confidence up for Dawn

A WOMAN with Cerebral Palsy discovered she was struggling at home because she had put on too much weight – and not because of her condition.

Dawn Hutter said she now finds various activities, such as putting on her shoes, much easier, thanks to her time with Slimming World.

The 33-year-old married mum said she found Slimming World very supportive.

She said: “I intended to stop going and just weigh in at home but I found the support so good that I haven’t stopped going.

“When I was younger, before I needed a wheelchair, it was more of a physical effort to walk, so I frequently burned off more calories and could pretty much eat what I liked.

“However, as my mobility worsened, I continued to eat what I liked but wasn’t burning off the extra calories and the weight just piled on.

“I decided enough was enough. There were a lot of different factors, but I was just sick of feeling like the ‘fat one,’ so I tried calorie counting and lost 12lb in a month, which I was really pleased with. But one week I didn’t lose anything and had been hungry pretty much all week.”

Dawn then realised that she would have to take action to maintain the weight loss. With the Slimming World plan, she can eat until she feels full – and has since lost four stones and 9lbs.

She said: “Part of me still doesn’t see the amount as a big thing because it has come off gradually and I honestly don’t feel like I am on a diet. I can’t get up and run around, but it has made a difference to me emotionally. I no longer feel like the fat person and I can sit on the floor to play games with my son without getting pins and needles in my legs.

“A huge moment for me was having to have a new manual wheelchair and the seat adjusted on my power-chair because the seat was too big.”

She plans to follow the plan to reach her target weight, but is confident she will because of the support of her consultant and fellow members.

The amateur singer said she can now wear smaller costumes on stage and her confidence has been boosted.

She said the Slimming World plan is easy to follow and she does not have to cook extra food for the family.

She also follows a wheelchair workout DVD, which is done either sitting for some sections, lying on the floor or bed.

She added: “My group is fantastic and supportive and it’s a friendly place. There’s no need to be embarrassed as your weight is kept confidential and you will soon lose it once you get going.”

She said it changed her life for the better and she would highly recommend it.


Increasing the Success of a Home Workout Program by Setting the Right Goals

Everyone who starts a home workout program has the same goal of becoming trim and fit. There is one significant difference with this goal, however, that makes all the difference between reaching that goal and giving up. If you want to keep your workout videos off the shelf and reach your goal once and for all, set a series of short-term goals you will be determined to achieve.

Establish An Objective With Progress You Can Track

Sometimes, even the smaller goals can seem like a long way away. To keep up your drive and determination, make all of your goals something that you can measure and record. This way, you can delight in your achievement and visually see the benefits of using your chosen home workout program.

Set a specific weight goal and measure it by standing on a scale. You can also set a size target and use a measuring tape to track your progress. You can then keep these measurements in a notebook or in a place you see all of the time like your refrigerator for example.

Set A Series of Precise Short-Term Goals

The only way to reach a goal with a home workout program is to know exactly what that goal is and how you plan to get there. To start, make sure your overall objective has a tangible and definite end. Then, take this large goal and break it into manageable pieces by setting specific short-range goals. This allows you to realize the progress you have made and will have a specific end to look forward too. For example, set a final goal of 70 lbs lighter. Then, you can divide this into a series of seven goals of ten pounds each.

Make Realistic Targets

Setting a target that is virtually impossible to achieve is like entering a race with no finish line; if you know you will never make it to the end, there isn't much point in trying. Setting an unachievable goal when using a home workout program can also have negative effects on your health and your body. If you have a final target of 70lbs, for instance, you will need more than a month to get there.

Give Tempting Rewards

Although reaching a goal is a great reward all on its own, give yourself an extra reward that will make it extremely hard to put down the workout videos and give up on your home workout program. This could be anything from dinner in your favorite restaurant or one of your favorite activities that you do not get to enjoy often. A good reward will give you an extra boost to help keep you motivated until you reach the next milestone.

Just like many group fitness membership programs, workout videos come with a fitness coach to keep you motivated, except it is you instead of someone else. This is fantastic because it allows you to set short-term goals that suit your lifestyle and personality perfectly. By making these goals specific, and sticking to your 10 minute trainer workouts, you will greatly increase your success with a home workout program.


Alternative To Traditional Personal Trainer Jobs

When most people think of traditional personal trainer jobs, they think of someone that either meets you at the gym or your house, and takes you step by step through workouts. They need to get certain certifications, and the are typically in good shape.

The first thing to understand before we get too far is why you want to be a personal trainer. Personally, I spend 4 years in college to be a physical education teacher because I want to help people learn how to live healthy lifestyles. I want to help build their confidence, self esteem, and ability to life an active lifestyle. Sound a lot like why someone would become a personal trainer? If you have a passion for fitness, and you want to help others feel better about themselves, they why not make money doing what you love? Many people with this passion look for personal trainer jobs. They take the courses, and they try to get into a gym where they can develop a strong client base. They show up the hours that they need to, and the do their job. That does not sound too bad.

There is an alternative to the traditional personal trainer jobs. One the allows you to still help people achieve their fitness goals. It is one that you do not need any special certification to become a part of. You do not need to be at the gym from dawn till dusk meeting with clients. To top it off, you do not need to even meet with a client in order to get paid.

What is this alternative that I am talking about? I am talking about becoming a Team Beachbody Coach. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone that want to help others achieve their fitness goals to do it, and it has incredible income potential.

If you are not familiar with P90X, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, or 10 Minute Trainer, these are just some of the products that are sold through the Team Beachbody system. The motivated individuals that become coaches have 2 roles that they play. First, they are a fitness coach. This means that they promote the programs. Second, the business coach. This is where you promote the business aspect to others who might be looking to make some extra money, and are interested in fitness.

Why would you join Team Beachbody over finding one of the traditional personal trainer jobs out there? Well, for starters, there is an insane amount of competition out there for personal trainer jobs. They are not very easy to come across. Second, coaches have the potential to create residual income, which the average trainer does not receive. This mean that they can get paid later for work that they are doing today. Becoming a Team Beachbody coach does not mean that you can not be a traditional trainer too. In fact, if you have the credibility already, it will help you when it comes to promoting your business.


Lose Weight Fast - 5 Easy Tips To Lose Weight

Weight loss does not have to be difficult. With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can lose weight fast in no time. Today we are going to take a look at how you can lose weight fast with these 5 essential tips that I have compiled just for you. Follow these tips and your weight loss goals will not elude you anymore.

So here are the 5 easy yet essential fat loss secrets:

1) Never skip breakfast

You may think that skipping the morning bowl of cereal may be a great way to cut down your calories intake. That's not true. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well I guess many of you heard this before. But still, there are many people skip breakfast because to them breakfast is too time-consuming.

Research shows that breakfast plays an important role in managing your weight, boost your productivity and lower your risk of certain diseases like diabetes. Research also shows that people who eat breakfast tend to maintain their body weight better. So start eating breakfast today. A great example of breakfast is oatmeal. Oatmeal is full of fibers. It will make your stomach more filling and keeps you from feeling hungry quickly.

2) Drink Lots of Water

Drinking adequate amount of water can help you to lose weight fast because it helps your digestion and speeds up your metabolism. You should drink a minimum of 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day meaning if your body weight is 300lbs, you should drink 150 ounces of water a day if you really want to see the results fast.

3) Eat healthy diet

To lose weight fast, you have to eat healthy. Your body weight depends on what you eat. It is like a mirror. What you eat will be reflect to your body weight. If you want to have a healthier and slimmer body, then you should eat healthier. Eat foods that are high in fiber and protein and low in carbohydrates. You should also read through product labels before you consume the food just to make sure that you did not take in too much calories that your body couldn't handle it.

4) Say NO to white foods

Do not eat anything that is white like bread, pasta, crackers, most cereals, flour based products, white potatoes, white rice, and some pasteurized dairy and cheese. Other healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, white pork are all exceptions to this rule.

5) Exercise Regularly

Exercise regularly can help you to lose weight fast. You do not need to do too intense and exhausting workouts. Do some workouts that are simpler yet effective like yoga, Pilates, aerobics or even a simple brisk walk. Do try some cardio and weight training workouts sometimes because these exercises can help raise your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.


Quick Weight Loss Diet For Women - 321 Baby Bulge Be Gone Diet

It is not easy for a lady to regain her figure and beauty after delivery without huge strains. However, the 321 Baby Bulge Be Gone Diet has been able to successfully help women to shape up and gain healthy weight after their delivery. It is not easy to be on a quick weight loss diet after becoming a mother since you need to take care of your baby as well apart from you and this takes up a lot of time and energy for you. Yet this diet can be easily induced into your daily routine and it will help you to be back in shape in no time at all!

The diet designed by the famous Hollywood fitness trainer, Ramona Braganza, is exclusively meant for new mothers to regain their healthy shapes back through a healthy diet and an intensive exercise program. 321 can be translated as 3 meals, 2 snacks, and 1 liter of water on a daily basis. This quick weight loss diet keeps the glycemic carbohydrates on a low and instead allows you to pick up lots of green vegetables and lean proteins. The recommended foods include whole wheat bread, tuna, chicken breast, nuts, brown rice, balsamic vinegar, legumes, low carbohydrate vegetables, eggs, and fruits in moderation.

The quick weight loss diet program is split up into three phases that lasts for a total of twelve weeks. During each phase, there is a change in the amount of calories you can intake and fitness programs as well. The diet emphasis a must breakfast, avoiding butter and sauces, salads without dressings, steamed vegetables, poached/baked/grilled meat, white pasta or rice, and fruits for dessert.

The sample diet allows you to have a mix of whole wheat toast and scrambled egg whites for breakfast, large salad and chicken breast for lunch. If you need a morning snack, then a mix of strawberries and low-fat cheese would be ideal. For afternoon snack, you can have celery sticks, red pepper, and raw carrot and for dinner, you can take lean beef and steamed vegetables.

The highlight of this diet is the exercise routine which utilizes compound exercises that allows you to work out different sets of muscles at different times. The exercise routine builds up from 25 minutes in the first phase up to 60 minutes in the third phase. The exercises combine cardio exercises, circuit training, and strength training. The cost of the program is around $86.75 for the set of three DVDs.


Fast Fat Loss Workout

Today was a crazy day.

I had non-stop appointments for 8 hours straight, including a couple deep tissue massages.

Needless to say that when I finally sat down I was spent. That's OK, because I love what I do for a living.

I get to wear comfortable clothes, I own a private personal training studio, which means nobody is around to bug me or my clients. No weirdos lurking around the gym, no inconsiderate people leaving sweat pools on benches and the music is good.

Anyway, after my day I didn't really want to workout. I could have believed the excuse I was giving myself "I worked hard all day training clients and giving a couple deep tissue massages, I don't need to workout".

It's true, I probably could've gotten by taking a day off. The only problem is that believing that excuse begins a cycle...and a bad cycle.

Where does it stop?

Pretty soon I'll be telling myself that I don't have time to workout.

That's not true. I've been telling my clients that for months, if not years. That's not a viable excuse.

If you have 10 minutes, you can fit in an effective fat loss workout and I'll prove it.

All you have to do is make sure to include exercises that work many muscles at once. Exercises like push-ups, lunges, squats, chin-ups, dips, etc. You also cannot use machines for these workouts. Only dumbbells, bodyweight or resistance tubing.

The next thing you need to make sure to do is limit the rest time. If you sit around and chat up your workout partner or watch television in between sets, you won't get anything done. It renders your workout largely useless.

So now that you know the rules, here's the workout I bucked up and did after my hectic day. You can do it too if you have the equipment in your home gym.

Warm-up 3 sets:

Wood Chops - 15 reps

Push-ups - 15 reps

I had a little over 8 minutes left in my 10 minute workout after the warm-up and did as many sets as possible of the following:

Chin-up - 10 reps

Dips - 10 reps

I only rested 15-20 seconds after the dips before returning to the chin-ups. I don't remember exactly how many sets I got in because I was breathing so hard and was in kind of a daze from all those chin-ups.

Needless to say, this fast 10 minute workout was a killer!

Before you bash the workout and say I didn't work my legs, I'd like you to give it a try and then tell me that it's not an effective workout.


Three Butt Injection Disasters

While large breasts used to be considered a woman's most feminine feature, it seems that recently a voluptuous derriere has claimed the spotlight. As a consequence, more and more women are seeking to accentuate their derriere through procedures such as the Brazilian butt lift and butt implants.

While these procedures might be safe when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon in a hospital or outpatient surgical setting, they can be extremely dangerous when done by a dubious practitioner in an unaccredited office. In the worst case, such procedures can prove fatal. Read on to learn about three recent butt injection procedures that caused grief and horror instead of beauty and happiness.

2009: Death of a Beauty Queen in the Name of a Firmer Behind

A former Miss Argentina was a successful model, the owner of her own modeling school, and the mother of seven-year-old twins. At age 38, she was still receiving numerous modeling offers. Unfortunately, even this successful woman was not immune to Argentina's obsession with the body beautiful and love for plastic surgery. She booked herself for a buttock lift at a prominent cosmetic surgery clinic in Buenos Aires. She though the procedure was going to be very simple, as she was supposed to receive only injections.

However, after being injected with polimetilmetacrilate, she developed respiratory problems, was rushed to a hospital, and soon died of a pulmonary embolism. While the precise cause of her death is unknown, several Argentinean surgeons have suggested that perhaps the injected substance was improperly injected into the capillaries. Once in the bloodstream, it traveled to the lungs and caused the fatal embolism.

2009: Mexican Rock Star's Near Death Experience

A prominent musician was enjoying popularity and fame as one of Mexico's most successful female rock stars when she decided to improve her look by receiving a liquid butt lift. She booked herself into a cosmetic surgery clinic, where she received injections to her buttocks. Soon after, she developed severe respiratory complications and was rushed to a hospital. The doctors managed to save her life after removing all of the foreign substance from her body.

2011: Death of a British Woman in a Philadelphia Hotel Room

In February 2011, a dancer and aspiring rapper from the U.K. died after traveling to Philadelphia for a butt lift procedure. The treatment was performed in a hotel room near the Philadelphia International Airport. Preliminary investigation indicates that the person who performed the injections was not a physician, and the substance that was used was not an FDA-approved injectable. Instead, it appears that the injected substance was an illicit chemical, such as non-medical-grade liquid silicone, petroleum jelly or hydrogel. The women was only 20 years old and had no health problems prior to receiving the injections.

Use Caution and Good Judgment

As these stories indicate, butt injections can be fatal when performed by unlicensed practitioners using unsafe substances. However, not all buttock augmentation procedures end badly. In fact, when performed by a reputable plastic surgeon in a hospital or surgical center, the insertion of soft, solid butt implants can deliver beautiful, long-lasting results, as can fat grafting to the buttocks. If you desire to undergo these procedures, use plenty of caution and your best judgment to select a trustworthy surgeon who will use only FDA-approved techniques and materials. This is the same approach you should employ when contemplating any other cosmetic surgery procedure, including a breast augmentation, liposuction, body lift or tummy tuck procedure.


Zumba Fitness and Fat Burners to Boost Your Energy Levels Whilst Getting Fit and Losing Weight

Fat Burners and Your Zumba Workout.

The Zumba Fitness program started in the US in 1999 when it was brought over by the Columbian celebrity personal trainer and choreographer to the stars, Alberto 'Beto' Perez.

Taking the world by storm since then, the program combines the fantastic music of salsa, samba and merengue combining them into a pulsating Latin rhythm for a great workout that will get you fit and tone your body at the same time.

Zumba Fitness translates from Spanish slang "to move fast and have fun". There's no need to say any more, as soon as you hear the infectious music, you will want to get up and dance.

This fast moving, easy to follow program is ideal for all ages but make no mistake, you will need a lot of energy (especially to start with) but it will be worth it. It is reported that you can:

Burn as much as 1000 calories per hour
Target specific areas of your body
and best of all:

Lose a dress in your first 10 days
Taking part in a Zumba Fitness class there is no doubt that you will lose weight; just take a look at Strictly Ballroom now showing on UK TV. Most of the celebrities taking part have lost a couple of stone in weight and dropped a couple of dress sizes and that is in a relatively short period of time. To keep your energy levels up though, it would greatly help if you decided to take a Fat Burner Supplement as well.

Not only will a Fat Burner increase your metabolism but it will give your energy levels a massive boost. Using a Fat Burner will also continue to work long after your workout has finished (even whilst you are sleeping) and you will soon see the advantages of a combined workout and supplement in the way you both look and feel.

There are many Fat Burners that would be ideal and to read my reviews and get the right one for you, visit my site.

All the website for Zumba say 'come and join the party' and that is just what it is - a fantastic party atmosphere with addictive music and fabulous dance moves. men as well as women can join this party workout and enjoy the many benefits of a great workout.

Why not give it a try. Since doing my research, I have found my local class and intend to start straight away and lose some weight before Christmas.


The Case Against Gym

Good Magazine’s Ann Friedman says you should stop going to the gym:

    Gyms are energy-sucking, disease-riddled, crowded, and often expensive. It’s an industry that exists because people pay a lot of money for the privilege of not meeting their personal health goals. (People overestimate the amount they’ll use their membership by as much as 70 percent.)

    Exercise outdoors. Hiking. Jogging. Biking. Doing yoga in the park. There’s some evidence that an old-fashioned run burns more calories than the same mileage clocked on the treadmill. But, you protest, what about winter What if I’m a woman who doesn’t feel safe running outside alone What if my neighborhood doesn’t have any green space Exercise in your own home. Find a workout DVD that fits your needs. Do a little living-room yoga.