
Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet and Exercise In the Office

Many women's lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: You can do this exercise in your office! What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) that is not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube.

Make A "Health" Drawer

Your filing spaces are your friends. Most cubes have lots of little drawers. Make one of them a health drawer. Add a zip lock bag or two with healthy non-perishable snacks in it (maybe dried veggies), a few bags of herbal, non-caffeinated tea (switch over from coffee midday to help you sleep better at night), and a travel-size hand-sanitizing gel for use regularly when there's a cold going around the office (did you know most colds are transmitted through shared objects like doorknobs?). A decorative canvas bag can store an extra pair of athletic shoes in case you can take a 10 minute walk or stretch break over lunch.

Get Blood Back To Your Brain:

Pop goes the weasel. When you sit in a cube in front of a computer or on the phone for hours at a time, gravity pulls your blood towards your feet. It pools in your feet, ankles, and fanny; if you're ever noticed your feet looking puffy towards the end of the day, the puffiness may be a side-effect of having blood spending so much time down there! Our arm and leg muscles function as pumps to get blood back to the heart.

While you could just do jumping jacks to get the blood flowing back upwards, there are less noticeable ways to get blood moving: If you've got a shelf in your high in your cube, keep daily use ables (paper clips, stapler) there; getting up regularly will remind you to stretch. While standing lift your legs up at the knee, one at a time, to help get blood flowing. One enterprising woman kept a postcard pinned up towards the very top of her cube wall - and kept an ever-growing collection of postcards that she exchanged every day in the afternoon. The new postcard each day perked her up, and it gave her a reminder to get up and stretch several times a day.

Muscular injury is common in the desk-job world. The Center for Disease Control reports that 92,576 injuries resulted from repetitive motion, including typing or key entry. Make sure to take breaks from the keyboard at least once an hour. Use a wrist support at your computer when you are typing or browsing, Your forearm, wrist, and hand should be on a level, not making a V. The Harvard RSI action group suggests some exercises to help prevent repetitive stress injuries (http://www.rsi.deas.harvard.edu/). If you spend a lot of time on the phone and cant use a speaker phone, don't hold the phone by crunching your shoulder against your ear. Instead, invest in or ask for a headset or shoulder support for your receiver.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Drinking water is very important. It can help you recover from a cold more quickly (though it doesn't cure it), replenish lost fluids after exercise, and assist in weight loss (many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty, so make sure to take a drink before diving for the candy machine). Keep a four-cup bottle or thermos near the computer and replenish daily. Don't overdo though - excess water can dilute important minerals and vitamins in your blood stream.

Make Sure To Take Your Vitamins and Other Pills:

Pill reminders. Do you need regularly forget to take vitamins because you're busy? Find an attractive, desk-top container to put the bottle in - a decorative flower pot is one option. Something attractive and eye catching will remind you its there. This can also work for daily medications, but keep in mind that some medications can be toxic to others or have street-value (many prescribed pain killers), so these are medications that should stay with you, rather than your desk.


Easy Steps To Avoiding Gym Rage

Have you heard about this recently? Gym Rage! Many of us go through this at our local gym or fitness center on a regular basis and are become increasingly frustrated.

It usually starts as a group of trainees chatting away their experiences of the day on a bench or at a piece of equipment for fifteen minutes while you are waiting to use it.

Or someone is standing directly in front of the barbell rack doing tiny lateral raises when you want to get at the really big weights. Or casuals using equipment favored by the regulars and often looked at like pieces of personal furniture for their own use.

All this builds up stress especially between the months of January and April when the newcomers hit the gyms and fitness centers in an attempt to lose the weight gained over the Christmas and New Year period.

In trying to realize their New Years resolutions they overcrowd the aerobics area and take over the weight room leaving weights lying around and causing queues for equipment. Regulars of the gym experience these problems and tempers start to flare in a phenomenon becoming known as gym rage.

During this testing time, all gym-goers, both new and experienced and the employees of the fitness clubs know that the newcomers usually only last until April and after that their good intentions run out. To help you through this stressful time follow some of the hints below:

* Stand at the back of the aerobics class when you first start, as you will usually find the hard-core regulars will be down the front.

* There are no rules that govern how many members a gym can sign up, causing some fitness centers to become overcrowded with everybody wanting to use them in the morning and afternoon on their way to and from work.

So try to plan your visit to the gym a little earlier than usual or later in the day or evening. There is only one effective way to beat the January to April rush and that is to workout late at night after 7:00pm.

* Talking on your cell phone whilst you are working out, this will tie up a machine or piece of equipment for a long time causing problems. It's recommended that you turn off your cell phone whilst at the gym.

* Don't hog the machines; try not to go over the time limits set on the particular machine you are using. If there is a time limit please stick to it. The thing that annoys most people is the way people sit on a machine knocking out set after set. By performing one set to muscular failure and moving on will free up the machines for use by the next person.

* Wipe the machines down after use, try not to leave your sweat on the piece of equipment you have just used, use a towel to separate yourself from the machine while you make use of it and wipe it down thoroughly after use.

* Don't drop the weights onto the ground and don't clang them loudly as this is very off-putting to the other members. Make sure you return the weights to their correct place on the racks when you're finished with them even though you might have found them lying on the floor.

* One thing you don't want to do is constantly ask people if they've finished using a machine when they're obviously still exercising on it. If anything the trainee will try to sit on it longer just to annoy you. Be patient; don't interrupt them while they are lifting, wait until they finish their set first.

* A gym isn't a social club don't stand around in large groups chatting especially if you have a machine in use, do your talking in the locker room or at reception.

* Don't leave your towel or other personal items lying around on a bench or piece of equipment if you are not using it. Leave your training space as clean as the way you found it.

If the equipment is unattended for more than five minutes go ahead and use it, but be prepared to share also. Let people work in with you if the difference in weight is not too large. Leave enough space around you so that other people can approach the weight rack and get the equipment they need.

* Don't scream when you are going for that personal best lift, remember that the others around you are concentrating on their own work out too and don't need to hear you screaming out for attention. Exhaling loudly as you contract the muscles during your set is fine.

* Don't hog the water fountain. Only take a few mouthfuls of water and then move away. Don't fill up your huge water bottle with cold water and leave warm drinking water for the rest of the members.

* Follow the gyms code of conduct usually seen on the walls of the gym or fitness centers, and if trainees are not following the code report it to management don't take it into your own hands.

Do yourself a favor and put these simple steps to use the next time you are in the gym and you will be in for a much more pleasant experience.


Plyometrics for Children

Common games and activities such as hopscotch, jumping rope and jumping jacks can be characterized as plyometric exercise. This is because every time the feet make contact with the ground the quadriceps are subjected to the stretch-shortening cycle. Children should simply begin plyometric training with lower intensity drills and gradually progress to higher intensity drills.

Children and adolescents may begin as follows:

1) One to three sets of six to ten repetitions on one upper body exercise (e.g., passing a basketball back and forth from close range).

2) One lower body exercise (e.g. double leg hop) twice per week.

3) Finish with a running butt kick (upper legs remain vertical and movement is from the knees down. Athlete moves forward slowly, by kicking their own butt with their heels).

You can get creative with any exercise that involves using the muscles “explosively” keeping in mind that cushioning is an essential part of the completion of the exercise. The need to cushion will become less as the athlete ages but remain an important part until the body has matured physically.

If multiple sets are performed, participants must be provided with adequate rest and recovery between sets (e.g., two to four minutes) in order to replenish the energy necessary to perform the next series of repetitions with the same intensity. Unlike traditional strength training exercises, plyometric exercises are performed quickly and explosively.

Plyometric exercises may also be introduced into the warm-up period or incorporated into group game activities.


Jennifer Lopez - How she fights to keep off the baby fat

After a few pregnancies, body fat around the hips and stomach is very natural to have. However, it is not hard to lose that weight as Jennifer Lopez managed to do. It is said that Jennifer Lopez ( "Jenny from the Block") gained 25 kilos from her pregnancy with twins, but is looking more fabulous than ever. So, how do the celebrities lose those extra pounds afterwards?

To get rid of excess pounds Jennifer Lopez trained several hours per day. After her photo shoot for "ELLE" magazine, and her dress not fitting with additional material and safety pins (therefore having to be enlarged), the 39-year-old deliberately said: "I'll have to do something."

She started with a fitness program: every day about two hours of swimming, to get into shape. You can lose about twice the amount of calories swimming than running, so this seemed ideal. In addition to jogging and cycling to increase stamina, weekly Pilate’s classes were a must. Staff trainer Gunnar Peterson combined stretching, strength and breathing exercises to train weaker muscle groups.

To make the tough training suffice, Jennifer Lopez (J. Lo) kept to a strictly balanced diet. For breakfast Jennifer Lopez ate mostly fresh fruit with yogurt or muesli with dried fruit (stimulating the intestines and stomach, leading to a higher fat burning lead). She made sure to keep the black bread with ham, and Nutella rolls out of sight. Lots of fresh vegetables and healthy foods filled Lopez's lunch and dinner table. Jennifer Lopez now does more than five months of their hard fitness program to keep off the baby's abdominal fat.

The favorite routes run by J. Lo are the beach and the waterfront promenade. Sand is particularly effective in the shortest possible time, since it is very difficult to run in. Another plus point for jogging on the beach is the great panorama that J. Lo often enjoys during her mornings.

Being a full time mom, with a husband constantly away on tour and trying to keep hold of her career as well, Jennifer Lopez has done well to get rid of the excess pounds. Now, four 20-30 seconds per unit spent in the gym, every Tuesday and Thursday. This is her training plan for the next few months, because soon, the new mother will be back on stage and singing live. She is after all a role model for many women and a sex symbol for millions of men.


Ab Workouts and Core Exercises: A Circuit for Fat Loss and Strength

There are plenty of myths in the fitness industry that ab workouts will not generate fat loss. If you are just training abdominals with hundreds of crunches and other core exercises, chances are you won't generate any significant fat loss during your ab workouts. If done correctly, however, training your whole core with targeted ab workouts will maximize your fat burning ability. This can be accomplished by taking the basic principles of cardiovascular and circuit training and combining it with challenging core exercises, movements, and ab workouts that will require the use of major muscle groups.

Any time your body moves, there are muscles working to keep you stabilized and other muscles working to actually move you. Your circuit should feature challenging core exercises and ab workouts to target both the stabilizers and the movers, because they are both an extremely important part of everyday functions as well as during strength and fitness training.

What is the Core?

The major muscles of the core reside in the area of the belly, the mid back, the lower back and the hip flexers. Most movements originate with the core, so a strong core is important for preventing and eliminating most lower back problems.

Static Core Function

Static core functionality is the ability of one's core to align the skeleton to resist a force that does not change. The bridge exercise is an example of a static core function that uses your whole core to keep you stabilized in position. Your body weight will rest on your forearms and toes, but without your core staying tight, your butt will shoot up in the air to get your calves involved to keep you in position, or your hips will drop to the floor. Starting and ending each round with static core exercises will target and improve the strength and endurance of your core. As you begin working on your core exercises while in the circuit, you'll notice a huge difference in how you feel during the first static exercise and the last. You can use this comparison as a way to gauge where you're at with your strength and endurance.

Dynamic Core Function

Dynamic core functionality is the ability to use the core as a stabilizer but also deal with the force of external resistance and incorporate a vastly different complex of muscles and joints versus a static position. For example, if you get into position to do a push-up, your core has to keep you stabilized and aligned in that position. Your chest, shoulders, and triceps are sharing the load as you lower down towards the floor and again as you come back up to starting position, all while your core continues to work keeping your back flat and your hips from dropping to the floor. Performing challenging dynamic core exercises, movements, and ab workouts will exhaust your energy stores extremely quickly, causing your body to start dipping into your fat stores to help complete your exercise. This is why it's important to keep the repetitions high with clean mechanics for whichever core exercises, movements, or ab workouts you choose.


Top Five Exercises for Getting Healthy Without Leaving the House

Building good exercising habits can be a bit of a lifestyle change, but with these exercises it is plain to see that anybody can do them. You have no excuses to not create a more healthy lifestyle through exercise because you should not have to leave your house to do this. These exercises are going to make you feel much healthier and if you keep them up for a number of months, they should also bring down your stress levels to keep you emotionally healthy as well.

Squats – Squats are a very effective exercise for trimming your legs and buttocks. They can give you lean muscular features as well. To start, practice getting out of a regular chair using your arms as little as possible. Provided you can do at least a few repetitions, you should be providing your body with some incentive to start growing muscle in your legs and buttocks. As your muscles begin to grow, they will be able to lift you from a seated position numerous times and you will really start to see some results. Squats are a part of every single workout I do.

Crunches – Crunches are by far the best exercise you can do for your abdominal muscles without any equipment. They target the muscle group specifically and are quite effective at building mass and strengthening your abdomen. Crunches aren't necessarily a walk in the park but once you begin to see results, you will realize that all the hard work is really worth it in the end. If you are just starting to do crunches and add some muscle to your midsection, don't worry about getting your noggin all the way up to your knees. What is important when doing crunches is that you feel the stretching of your abdominal muscles and begin to feel them working after a few reps. As your muscles grow, you will be able to achieve much more muscle growth doing crunches.

Leg Lifts – Leg Lifts are an excellent and simple exercise that is great for building muscle mass in your legs and lower abdomen. To start, you will want to lay flat on your back with your arms at your side, and palms to the floor. Next, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor without bending your knees. After you have reached the top of the repetition, lower your legs and before they hit the floor, start the next one. If the full extensions aren't possible, try bending your knees slightly to complete the exercise. After a few weeks of regularly pushing yourself with the leg lifts you are guaranteed to feel stronger and more solid in your lower abs and upper legs.

Pushups – Pushups are not fun. They have to be one of the most hated and feared exercises in the modern workout world. But their effect on the upper body should be reason enough for you to buck up and get on the floor. If a regular pushup from your toes isn't something that you think you can attempt at this point, you should try pushing off the walls at different angles instead of the floor. There are all sorts of products out there to help you with pushups but one of the easiest fixes is to do them from your knees instead of your toes. Any way you choose to do pushups, you will be building up your muscles in your arms and chest and eventually, you should be able to do one handed clapping pushups all day just like Rocky.

Running - Running is the most primitive form of exercise that you can do. It is our means of getting around and kept people fit for millennia prior to the invention of exercise. Running is by far my favorite form of cardiovascular exercise because of the way it makes me feel when I do it. Nothing else really gives me the high that running does. Running manages to get your heart rate up and begins burning calories immediately. Since running outside is not always an option you may consider a treadmill to keep you in shape. These days they make all different kinds of styles and options and can fit just about anywhere, so do your research on treadmills, as there is a lot to know. Once you have the treadmill right in your home you will have no excuse to not go for a run.

Hopefully some of these exercises get you into good and healthy habits, or at least cement already good habits at home when getting to the gym is not an option. If you can keep your nose down and work hard for a few months, you will definitely see results and that should be enough to keep you on the exercise train for years to come.


Silver Yoga Improves Fitness in Seniors

 While the benefits of performing yoga have long been discussed, it can often be an intimidating form of exercise to try. Some people picture a studio full of perfect-looking twenty-somethings who can contort their bodies into all kinds of interesting positions. Some people are afraid they might look silly if they don't know what to do or they are simply afraid of injuring themselves if they try to bend this way or that.

As most people age, they start to lose balance and flexibility, among other indicators of physical fitness, making it even less likely that they would attempt an activity like yoga that involves stretching and holding poses for certain lengths of time. Recently a group of researchers in Taiwan developed a type of yoga exercise program that they've named “silver yoga.”

This program, developed by Chen, Tseng, and colleagues (2), consists of four phases:

    20 minute warm-up of eight poses to loosen up the body;

    20 minutes of hatha-style yoga in which seven gentle stretching postures are performed;

    10 minutes of relaxation in which three activities to rest the body are performed; and

    15 minutes of guided imagery to facilitate relaxation.

This program was critically reviewed by experts in the fields of yoga, elderly exercise, geriatric nursing, geriatric physical therapy, osteopathy, sports physiology, sports medicine, and/or sports injuries (2).

In a study published in Nursing Research, Chen, Fan, and colleagues (1) studied a group of 55 participants aged 65 or older who participated in 24 weeks of a three time per week silver yoga exercise program. Measures of body composition, cardiovascular-respiratory function, flexibility, muscular power and endurance, balance, and agility were taken before the study began, at twelve weeks, and at 24 weeks.

At the end of the study, participants in the silver yoga group had significantly reduced body fat percentage, decreased respiration rate (indicating that the exercise took less effort, and improved shoulder range of motion (right shoulder abduction) compared to their pre-silver yoga measurements (1). Additionally, the silver yoga group had improved in all measured physical fitness categories when compared to the control group at the end of the 24 week study.

As the general population ages, it's becoming more important than ever for senior-based health programs to be developed and implemented to keep our seniors healthy and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. A silver yoga program is just one of many exercise options for older adults to participate in to positively affect their health. The importance of the above study is that it shows that exercise programs tailored specifically to the abilities and needs of an older population can, in fact, improve their overall physical health.


How to Permanently Cure Your Shin Splints and Get Back to Your Loved Sport

Shooting pain starting in the front of your ankle and continuing up almost to your knee cap = shin splints. There are 2 simple steps for shin splints treatment - these steps combined will prevent giving up your favorite sport and the quality of life brought by it.

Shin splints are very common. They are the cause of 13% of all running injuries, but they are also caused by biomechanical inefficiencies, such as flat feet, poor running mechanics, tight muscles in the lower leg and more.

Taking Immediate Action after the injury

The worst thing to do is ignore the pain when it starts - hoping it will go away on its own. You must rest, apply ice and elevate the area in the first 48 to 72 hours after the injury. This will raise your chances of full recovery from shin splints.

Shin splints treatment - Step 1 - Stretching the Calf and Front of Your Leg

Strong and flexible muscles are an extremely important part of shin splints treatment. To keep your muscles and tendons flexible and strong (thus making them support the area properly) - you must stretch the area every day.

One of the best stretches is the "Standing Toe-up Achilles Stretch": Stand upright and place the ball of your foot onto a step or raised object. Bend your knee and lean forward. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds at least, but stop if you feel real pain in the area. Repeat 3 times or more as desired. Also, make sure your shoes are sturdy and give you the support you need, especially in the arch area.

Step 2 - Treating the inflammation (Rehabilitation)

This step is critical for complete recovery from shin splints. Most doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for your pain caused by the inflammation. The problem is that these drugs often have serious side effects that can cause damage to your liver and/or kidney.

Instead, you can use natural anti-inflammatory supplements. These can be taken for a long period of time without these dangerous side effects. The best supplements contain many natural herbs that also contribute to your general health and well being and not just treat the inflammation.

Following these 2 simple steps will get you back to your favorite sport activity that you probably miss - in no time at all.


How a Kettlebell can Really Help People get in Shape

Many people today are working hard to become physically fit and stay that way. Unfortunately, there are so many workout regimes on the market that people are not sure which are really the best for them. The reason for this is that people often hear strengthening is the most important part of a workout whilst others say that cardio is top priority. Completing both cardio and strength training takes up a great deal of time so many individuals push off the workout repeatedly because it does not fit into one’s busy schedule.

A kettlebell has created a solution to this problem. This workout tool is a ball which resembles a bowling ball, but has a handle on the top. It is used in various movements and exercises to provide both a cardio and strength training workout. A kettlebell has been helping many people get into shape.

The kettlebell accomplishes this because these workouts focus on working multiple sets of muscles at one time. By working multiple muscles at once, the kettlebell can help people get in shape by firming these muscles simultaneously.

This benefits people because they do not have to spend hours toning in the gym. Working just 10 minutes a day on individual muscles may require a person to spend countless hours in the gym every day. A kettlebell workout works all the muscles in the entire body in just 20 minutes a day.

A kettlebell workout involves a variety of swings and lunges which results in one of the most effective cardio workouts. A cardio workout gets the heart pumping faster which burns calories. These burned calories contribute to weight loss. A few repetitions with a kettlebell will get a person sweating in no time which means the heart is working harder.

Another way a kettlebell workout helps people get in shape is by strengthening a person’s core. The core is a person’s trunk which includes abdominals, obliques, back muscles, and the glutes. When these parts of the core are strengthened a person is much more fit which can increase other activities. A strengthened core can improve a person’s workout which will help other areas of the body. Additionally, a stronger core can help a person lift items on a daily basis and improve posture. All of these contribute in helping a person get in shape.

A kettlebell can improve a person’s overall physical fitness much faster than traditional workouts.


How to get the most out of your workout

Many novice trainees practice conventional training principles. When I first started training I did what all the other guys in the gym were doing. It seems that everyone is filled with folk training wisdom but no one really knows where this knowledge came from or what scientific foundation it’s based on. The purpose of this article is to examine commonly held beliefs about working out and common practices, to evaluate whether these are actually effective and yield good results, and to suggest smarter and more effective ways of training.

I would say that the biggest commonly held belief is that a workout session should be an hour long. I don’t know where this belief came from but it seems that it’s been with us since the dawn of time. Some reasons why many people spend 1 hour in the gym are they incorporate too many exercises (especially superfluous isolation exercises), they rest 1 minute or longer between sets and they spend more than 5 minutes stretching either before or after the workout or spend too much time warming up.

With anything in life focus and concentration are required to yield a desired result. In order to split a piece of wood quickly and effortlessly the axe has to be sharp, it has to have the right weight and it has to be applied at the proper angle. In this way the force is applied directly in one spot- it is focused and it is concentrated. If you have a dull axe that doesn’t weigh enough it will take several attempts before you split the piece of wood. A one hour workout that incorporates all the elements I described above is like trying to split a piece of wood with a dull axe: a lot of energy is wasted because it is not focused and concentrated.

In order to get stronger and build muscle the exercise selection has to be limited so that the effort can be concentrated on those particular exercises. For example there is no reason why someone should incorporate a flat, incline and decline bench press and then do dumbbell flies for a chest workout. Instead a flat bench press should be done at a higher weight for fewer reps for no more than 5 sets. This ties in to the principle of specificity. In order for the body to adapt to the training stimulus that stimulus has to be constant and the effort must be repeated. So if you want to get better at bench pressing then –ok brace yourself because this is going to be hard to believe—focus more on bench pressing. If done properly, 3-5 sets of a flat barbell bench press are enough to increase your pushing strength in the upper body and to build muscle in the chest, triceps and shoulders. Unless you’re a professional body builder there is no need to do isolation exercises like chest flies and tricep extensions. Of course there are times such as when you hit a plateau that you may want to incorporate more isolation work to strengthen weaker muscles, which act as limiting factors, but overall isolation work is a waste of time and energy that should be focused on compound exercises.

The rule of thumb is that in order to make progress pick one compound exercise like the flat barbell bench press, focus on it, and repeat the effort (do it a maximum of 3x per week). Furthermore to keep making progress there must be progressive overload. Quite simply the exercise intensity, which may depend on weight, range of motion, speed, or rest periods must increase over time so that the body has a new stimulus to adapt to. It is important to note that the main training stimulus hasn’t changed (we are still working the bench press) but certain characteristics of that stimulus like weight, ROM, etc., have changed.

A common fitness fad is muscle confusion. There is no way the body can adapt to a stimulus if that stimulus keeps changing because you’re not giving the body enough time to adapt to anything- it’s common sense. Doing a bench press for one month, then changing to a dumbbell bench press, then a machine bench press will not yield any results.

Rest periods should be kept to a minimum. There is no reason why someone should rest longer than 2 mins between sets of any exercise done at a 10 rep max intensity. Keeping the rest periods to a minimum also keeps the heart rate up allowing you to reap cardiovascular benefits while doing a resistance training workout. Supersets are a great way to get the most out of your session because you are continuously working, never resting.

There are many benefits of stretching that are beyond the scope of this article. The only time I stretch is when my muscles are sore (usually the day after a training session). Stretching comes naturally and automatically like yawning. The body knows when to stretch and it’s hard to resist the urge. When it comes to stretching just listen to your body and do enough stretching so that it feels satisfied. There is no need to spend more than 10mins stretching after every workout. Static stretching should never be done before a workout as part of a warm up. Stretching cold muscles will dispose them to injury during resistance training.

A warm up should accomplish several things: increase heart rate to around 120 BPM, increase blood flow, increase muscle temperature and lubricate the joints. All of this can be accomplished in 5mins or less. A good warm up routine should incorporate activities that increase heart rate and move many limbs at the same time causing movement in multiple joints, like jumping jacks, as well as activities that work many muscles at the same time, like dumbbell squat presses or zercher squats.

Overall a productive workout should be no more than 45mins in length. An intense 30 minute workout that focuses on no more than 4 different compound exercises to yield a full body workout is best for overall size, strength and conditioning. For my workouts I use the flat barbell bench press, barbell back squat or zercher squat, hanging leg raises, and an inverted row. Rest periods should be eliminated by doing a combination of 2 exercises in supersets or doing all 4 exercises in circuit format. Stretching should be done only when your muscles tell you they need to be stretched. A warm up shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes and should focus on mass movement of the limbs and muscles.


Ways to Put More "Work" in Your Workout

1. Exercise for a longer period. One of the simplest ways of increasing the collective demands you place on your body during your physical activity regimen is to extend the duration of your exercise session. To a given point, the longer you work out, the greater the exercise-related rewards you’ll achieve.

2. Lift more. The basic concept underlying sound strength training is progressive overload. In that regard, to properly develop your level of muscular fitness, you must place a demand on your muscles beyond the load that they normally can handle. As yourmuscles become stronger, a proportionally higher level of resistance is required to further stimulate an increase in their strength. All factors considered, the more you lift, the more work you do.

3. Exercise at a higher rate of speed. All factors equal when you exercise aerobically, the faster you move your body, the more you’ll perform within a given amount of time.

4. Increase the distance you cover when you exercise. Regardless of whether you’re walking, running, cycling, or whatever, the greater the distance you movewhen you’re exercising, the more work you’ll do (work = force distance). As one of the underlying elements of work, distance is one of the relatively easiest factors to manipulate when you want to increase the amount of work you perform during a particular exercise bout.

5. Change your grip. The width and/or type of a particular grip being used while strength training tends to vary with the individual and the exercise being performed. To the degree that your grip increases the range of movement during a given exercise or enhances the level of isolation of the specific muscles or group of muscles being exercised, changing how and where you hold the bar (or lever) can increase the amount of work you’re doing.

6. Change the position of your feet. Regardless of whether you’re lifting weights or exercising on amachine (aerobic or strength training), modifying the placement of your feet when you exercise can alter the degree of involvement of the muscles responsible for the exercise movement. This exercise modification can help increase the training stimulus for the involved muscles.

7. Vary your exercise modalities. Research has shown that some exercise modalities involve doing more work than others. Although a strong argument can be made that individuals should engage in a mode of activity that they personally enjoy, considerable evidence also exists concerning the benefits of both cross training and adding variety to a workout. In that regard, you should occasionally incorporate more physically demanding activities or modalities into your exercise-training regimen.

8. Vary the elevation at which you exercise. One of the most challenging ways that you can increase how hard you work when you’re exercising is to increase the vertical incline at which you are moving your body. Such a step requires your body to overcome the demands imposed by gravity, as well as to meet the basic physical requirements of the exercise modality itself. Two of the more common examples of using enhanced elevation while training to increase the level of work are running/walking hills and exercising on a treadmill that has an elevation feature.

9. Do negative-only or negative-accentuated training. Performing a strength-training exercise involves two types of muscular actions V concentric (positive work where the muscle is shortening) occurs when the weight is being lifted and eccentric (negative work where the muscle is lengthening) happens when the weight is being lowered. Because you can generally lower more weight than you can lift, primarily because of the effects of gravity, one of the most effective ways to increase the amount of work you do while strength training is to perform negative-only training (i.e., do only the negative phase of the exercise). This technique requires that either you have a spotter (partner) to raise the weight for you or equipment that facilitates doing such a method. Negative-accentuated training involves performing the concentric phase with both limbs (arms or legs) and then lowering the weight with only one limb.

10. Avoid off loading your body’s weight while exercising on a machine. Far too many people lean on an exercise machine while working out. Although such a practice usually enables a person to train longer, seemingly harder, or feel more comfortable, it should strictly be avoided because it can dramatically decrease the amount of work you’re actually doing.


Facts on Healthy Living

Healthy living connotes a lifestyle that envelopes the norms of having an "ideal health". Even if your preference would be on anything that mother nature yields, it doesn't mean you are ideally healthy. Balance is the first norm of healthy living and discipline suffices the right choice of maintaining it. Although we are already familiar on the basics of acquiring an exemplar to great health, it is still a matter of choice; it's not just on what we eat or do, but still an option to stick to the cycle of maintaining a health equilibrium.

For some, if they hear about healthy living, they would just have an idea of drinking in the leafy edibles, which often times, makes it a difficult choice for someone contemplating to go back to being healthy. But consider the old ways of life, people living in the past have longevity. The simplicity of their lifestyles makes it easy to gain satisfaction, which tracks contentment, and eventually draws happiness which is another implication of being healthy.

On the other hand, it doesn't mean that we won't enjoy life anymore if we commit ourselves to healthy living. It's watching what we eat and drink, making sure that a balance diet would suit the energy consumption for the day. Stress management and sleeping well can also contribute to an inner well-being. Getting into physical activities equates our normal bodily functions that are crucial to prevent common illnesses such as obesity and high blood pressure. If we feel great, we tend to connect with others well. We can better cope with difficulties which are explicit strains on our mental and emotional quotient.

Healthy living is also about awareness. We have the responsibility to know what causes ailments or any disorder that may compromise our well-being and should be taking actions to prevent it. "Healthy helps" are things to consider too. Seeking professional help or subscribing to blogs from a health guru are great ways to keep us well-informed about the right choice of health program or products that favor to continue a sound being.

Health commodities are iconic to nature's produce. It is manufactured to blend with the lifestyle of the new generation, which is fast or always on the run. It takes away the hassles of the old fashion way of preparation, but making sure that it still comprises a healthy content, which means it's synthetic-free. There is also no need to be adamant on these health products specially about the side-effects because anything organic is always commendable.

Everyone agrees about the importance of healthy living and even if there is an overflowing information on how to go about it, it will only become beneficial by having the right attitude towards it.


Elliptical Machines Cardio Fitness Benefits

Many of us find that there are benefits from working out on an elliptical workout machine. This is because they are a very effective workout machine on the market. Plus the elliptical machine offers the capability to obtain great cardiovascular fitness without the associated injuries.

 An Elliptical Workout Machine, What is it?

 The elliptical treadmill machine comes equipped with two plates for the feet. With this it also has two pairs of handles. Users will notice that one set of handles is adjustable to their needs while the other remains attached on a permanent basis.

 An elliptical workout machine uses a combination of movements that you would only normally get from a combination of running, step climbing, and cycling. All the while, your legs are moving in a natural and full motion. The term elliptical is a reference your legs moving in a circular motion.

 Benefits of Using an elliptical treadmill machine

 If suitably used as directed, these elliptical workout machines will prove to be the best cardio machine available. moreover, they are easy to use as well. As a result, many people find that they can avoid feeling tired while they have burned off more calories than standard cardio.

 If you compare this workout machine to other methods of training, you will find it is low impact. You are able to avoid the normal strain that a cardiovascular workout has on the back and joints when you use one of these elliptical workout machines. These machines will often find testimonial for use by those with ankle problems, knee problems and even arthritis. Which is why the elliptical machines are often touted as one of the safest workout machines around.

 Additionally, the machine does not force people to move in awkward positions therefore they have less strain on their back. In addition, the machine does not require that you have to pull or push anything. You will instead have the ability to remain standing straight as you maintain a natural stance. People have the option to do either a full body workout, or just the lower or upper sections.

 A great way to work the entire body for cardio fitness is by using the upper handles. Additionally, there is resistance that allows the perfect way to strengthen both arms and abs. This will also help with the buttocks, hips and waist that tend to be problems for most people.

 If you utilize the medium or high resistance settings on your elliptical machine, and keep a slow workout pace you will find that you burn the most fat. You will find that this is just like hiking. For those who are seeking out cardio designed for the entire body, you should focus on a faster workout.

 Switching up between both fast and slow workout speeds will give you better final results. When you do this, your fat starts to burn and your heart rate increase. To sum it up, the elliptical machine will deliver the best cardio fitness methods as long as it is used properly.